Social Media Optimization Service

Do you want your brand to be heard? To break through the noise, you need a touch of magic: Social Media Optimization (SMO). Digital Legates is here to sprinkle that magic on your online presence. Our SMO services are the art of boosting your brand’s visibility on social platforms, where everyone, including your potential clients, spends their time. If you aren’t there, you’re missing out on countless opportunities.

What Do We Do?

We don’t just throw content out there, hoping for a hit. Instead, we craft messages tailored to your audience. We listen to their online chatter, learn what tickles their interest, and then deliver exactly that. This ensures your brand not only grabs attention but also remains a topic of conversation. In a sea of digital agencies, Digital Legates stands out due to the commitment we offer. For us, it’s not just about the numbers. It’s about the real people behind those numbers – their preferences, their feedback, their loyalty. We aim to build bridges between you and them, fostering a bond that stands the test of time.

Let's Work Together!

With us, you’re not getting a service; you’re getting a partnership. A team that’s dedicated to making your brand’s voice echo in the vast expanses of social media. We keep things simple, direct, and effective. No fluff, no jargon, just results.

What is Social Media Optimization Service?

Social media: It’s where most of us hang out, chat with friends, and check out the latest trends. But for brands and businesses like yours, it’s also a place to shine, connect, and grow. That’s where Social Media Optimization Service, or SMO, comes in. Let us at Digital Legates break it down for you.

Think of SMO as giving your brand a friendly face on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It’s about making sure when someone searches for products or services in your niche, your brand pops up. But it’s not just about being seen; it’s about being seen by the right people, in the right way.

So, what do we do in SMO? First, we help you create content that your audience loves. It could be a fun video, a handy tip, or a heartwarming story. This content doesn’t just sit there. It sparks conversations, gets shared, and makes people remember your brand.

Next, we ensure that your social media profiles are in tip-top shape. You’d be surprised how a well-placed logo or a catchy tagline can make all the difference. It’s like dressing up for an important event – you want to look your best.

Now, the big question: Why choose Digital Legates for this job? Because we genuinely care. We’re not just about ticking boxes. We want to see your brand thrive, make connections, and build a community. With every post and update, we aim to bring you closer to your audience and make your brand a household name.

Our Result Oriented SMO Services Process

The digital era has changed the way businesses operate, and today, having a robust online presence is vital for success. If you’re aiming to create a powerful impact on social media, you’re in the right place.

At Digital Legates, we’re committed to offering result-oriented Social Media Optimization (SMO) services that work wonders for brands like yours. Let’s take a close look at our simple yet impactful SMO services process.

1. Listening to You

Before anything, we listen. We take the time to hear your story, your goals, and your vision. This way, our SMO strategies are tailor-made for you, reflecting your brand values and objectives. Remember, it’s all about creating a campaign that resonates with your audience, and who better to guide us than you?

2. Setting Clear Goals

It’s essential for us to know what you aim to achieve. Is it more followers? Better engagement? A boost in sales? By setting clear, measurable goals at the outset, we ensure that our efforts are directed where they matter most.

3. Identifying Your Audience

To make sure your message hits home, we need to know who you’re talking to. We’ll help you pinpoint your target audience, understand their preferences, and then craft messages that they can relate to.

4. Content Creation

Content is king, but not just any content—engaging and relevant content. We design content that strikes a chord with your audience, prompting them to engage, share, and connect with your brand.

5. Strategizing the Outreach

It’s not just about posting content; it’s about posting it at the right time and on the right platforms. We strategize the best times to post and the best platforms to use, ensuring that your content reaches its intended audience.

6. Engagement & Community Building

Engagement is the lifeblood of social media. At Digital Legates, we believe in fostering genuine interactions. We help manage and prompt conversations around your brand, turning your followers into a loyal community.

7. Monitoring & Feedback

Feedback is a gift. We closely monitor the performance of our campaigns, tracking key metrics and gathering feedback. This way, we can tweak our strategies to ensure optimum results.

8. Reporting & Iterating

We believe in transparency. At the end of each campaign, we present you with detailed reports showcasing our achievements and the areas of improvement. Based on this, we continuously refine our strategies, ensuring that we’re always on the path to better results.

Why Choose Digital Legates for SMO Services?

  • Personalized Approach: No two brands are the same, and neither should their SMO strategies be. We ensure that our approach is tailored to fit your unique needs.
  • Experience: We’ve been in the game for a while, and we’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. With our experienced team by your side, you’re sure to see tangible results.
  • Affordability: Quality doesn’t always have to come at a premium. We offer top-notch SMO services that are competitively priced, ensuring that you get great value for your money.

Our Latest Projects

Here are some of the latest project we have worked and has been consistently getting promoted via our services.

CA Ankur

Chartered Accountant in Patna


Water & Waster Water Treatment


Screen Advertisement Management

Answers to Your Questions

What are SMO Services?

SMO, or Social Media Optimization, refers to the strategies used to increase your online presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more. It’s all about ensuring that your brand is visible, engaging, and most importantly, interactive on these platforms. For businesses in Patna, like yours, SMO services can be pivotal in reaching a larger audience and creating a loyal customer base.

Why is SMO important for my business in Patna?

With the growing number of social media users in Patna, it’s essential for businesses to be active and visible on these platforms. Think about it: people in Patna are now looking up brands, researching products, and even making purchases through social media. So, if you’re not there, you’re missing out on a significant chunk of potential customers.

How does Digital Legates help with SMO?

We, at Digital Legates, offer comprehensive SMO services. Our approach is tailored to your business needs. From creating compelling content to running ad campaigns and boosting posts, we ensure that your brand reaches its desired audience in Patna. We’re not just about numbers; we focus on engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

What platforms do you cover?

Our SMO services span a wide range of platforms including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. We understand that each platform has its unique audience, and we tailor our strategies accordingly.

How does SMO differ from SEO?

While both SMO and SEO aim to boost your online visibility, they do so on different platforms. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) focuses on enhancing your visibility on search engines like Google. On the other hand, SMO is about enhancing your presence on social media platforms. However, both are interlinked. A strong presence on social media can also boost your SEO efforts, and vice versa.

Can I see the results?

Absolutely! We believe in transparency. At Digital Legates, we provide regular reports that show you how your campaigns are performing. You’ll see metrics like engagement rates, follower growth, and more. This way, you can gauge the effectiveness of our strategies and see the value we bring to your business.

How soon can I expect results?

While it’s tempting to expect instant results, SMO is a long-term game. You might see a spike in your followers or engagement rates after certain campaigns, but consistent growth takes time. We ask our clients to be patient and trust the process. With our expert strategies and continuous efforts, you’ll surely see positive results.

What kind of content do you post?

At Digital Legates, we believe in creating content that resonates with your target audience. So, whether it’s engaging infographics, catchy captions, informative videos, or eye-catching images, we ensure that our content aligns with your brand voice and appeals to your audience in Patna.

How do you handle negative comments or feedback on our social media pages?

Every brand faces its share of critics. We believe in addressing negative feedback with grace and professionalism. Instead of ignoring or deleting them, we respond politely, trying to understand the concern and offering solutions. This not only shows that you value feedback but also builds trust among your audience.

Why should I choose Digital Legates for SMO services?

Choosing the right partner for your SMO needs is crucial. At Digital Legates, we bring a mix of expertise, dedication, and local understanding. We know the pulse of the Patna market and tailor our strategies to suit its unique dynamics. With us by your side, you’re not just getting an SMO service; you’re building a partnership that aims to grow your business.